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Health and Safety

Northminster Early Childhood Center is fully committed to the safety, health, and wellbeing of each and every one of our students, their families, and our employees. It is our top priority.  


All of our teachers and staff members are CPR and First Aid Certified. Our Director is MAT Certified.  


We are open to managing other allergies for our children case by case, and will let families in the classroom know if there are any allergies.


An updated immunization record is required for each student enrolled in our programs. Please click here to view New York State Immunization Requirements for the 2024-2025 school year.


2024-2025 Contagious and Communicable Diseases Protocols and Procedures

The safety and wellbeing of our students and families are our top priority! We are following and adhering to guidelines by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and NYS Office of Children and Family Services. 


Increased proper hand washing for teachers, staff, and children. The building will be sanitized throughout the day and at the end of every school day. 


Children should be kept home for any of the following reasons:

Please do not send a sick child to school, as we will assume that he or she is well enough to go outside and be involved in all of the normal activities.  Any child who has any of the following conditions or symptoms should not be in school:

  • Fever within the last 24 hours (Child must be fever free WITHOUT Tylenol, Motrin, or any other medication)

  • Croupy Cough.

  • Runny, crusty, or draining eyes.

  • Heavy cold symptoms.

  • Vomiting or diarrhea (can return after 24 hours).

  • Ringworm or lice (Re-admission with prescribed treatment).

  • General malaise due to a previous illness, such as an ear infection.

  • Strep throat (unless the child has been on prescribed medication for 24 hours).

  • Unexplained rash.

  • Pink Eye (unless the child has been on prescribed medication for 24 hours).

  • If another child in the household has RSV, please refrain from sending your child in, as it is highly contagious.


If children arrive at school and are experiencing any of the following symptom(s), they will be sent home if:

  1. Have a temperature above 100.4, cough, chills, loss of taste, loss of smell. Are unable to participate in activities as normal. Need more care than staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children. 

If children become ill, they will need to be picked up immediately. Children may return no sooner than 24 hours of their last symptom(s) without medication.  


New York State Child Day Care Regulations

As required by NYS and OCFS, we are providing the New York State Child Day Care Regulations which you can view by clicking here. You can access citation information by clicking here and searching ‘Northminster Early Childhood Center’ under the name search function. All citations have been corrected.

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